What is considered to be a great lawn? Is it the golf-course fairway look, or a putting green? What about a tall, lush tropical look? Well, that's the great thing about lawn care! You can choose the style that you like and, location permitting, you can simply plant that variety and cultivate your dream lawn and garden. Keep in mind that your choice for a specific look or outcome, directly translates to how much time, effort and money you'll need to put into it. Understanding the basics allows you to make an educated decision and that gives you the ability to tackle the project with confidence and success.
Below, I put together 3 simple tasks that must be followed and perfected to begin this journey. Enjoy!
Watering your lawn doesn't need to be a complicated task. If it rains, measure it. If you see it has rained very little in total volume or where the intervals are large, then you need to water accordingly. Over-watering your lawn only leads to more problems like, nutrient leaching, disease potential, product wastage, more insect infestations and pollution. If you are in an area where its very windy or hot, you may need to water a little more, or simply give the lawn a quick cool off. In all circumstances, read your lawn! Look at it, and walk on it, everyday. Soon, you will identify issues and address them before they become a problem.
Your lawn needs food and water just like you do. You could survive for a while on water alone, but it would be a slow death for you. The same applies to your lawn. However, Over-fertilizing can also create problems just as eating too much, or too much of the wrong stuff(for your body's requirements). So buy the best for your lawn, and use a less products. This then costs you about the same, but with better results and far less potential mistakes, like fertiliser burn, and you run a much smaller risk of polluting or wasting product as well. P.S. Every product that I promote, is hand-picked by me based on thorough investigation, real-life testing and analyzing the data gained. It is not just a thumb-suck!
to see what minimum requirements you need to put into your lawn.