How often should I be fertilising?

Goeie more mense,

We'll, this depends on numerous factors. Apart from the obvious watering and mowing, Fertilising is the next most important step to achieving a great lawn! So, don't let it slip! Having the most solid turf structure possible helps prevent weeds and healthy grass can fight off various diseases or even some pest damage. A properly fertilised lawn will help you achieve a beautiful lawn with less maintenance than an unfertilised. Fertilising correctly can also help you save water, and minimise how often you need to apply organic matter to the turf surface. You can even help your lawn overcome cold or heat related stresses. Lastly, a good fertiliser can even help your lawn thrive in poor soil conditions.  

The basic rule of thumb for fertilising is to apply a balanced granular chemical or organic fertiliser at least every 3 months(at the turn of every season). Although, in my books that's not good enough. If you decide to buy any old garden centre fertiliser, make sure it's one that says its for lawns and then simply follow the instructions on the bag. I have other blogs for more advanced fertilising.

If you just want to simply get something down on your lawn because you know fertilising is good but you don't know what to do, then I suggest using something that is easy to apply and that has all the essential nutrients that your lawn needs without going overboard. Rolfes Agri's Rescue is that product! It will help condition the soil and feed the plant. What more do you need?

Do's and Dont's:
Do adequately water in your fertiliser after applying it.
Do apply your fertiliser as evenly as possible. Buy a spreader if in doubt.
Do use fertilisers with a slightly higher nitrogen content than the rest.
Do read my other blogs for more detailed fertilising content.

Don't listen to anyone for lawn care advise just because something worked for them.
Don't apply super-phosphate to your established lawn.
Don't apply KAN/LAN without knowing that you have a good root structure first.

That's enough for this blog. Thanks for reading and please feel free to ask should you have any questions.
